5/5: Belle Donne – A Gathering for Grieving Women

Belle Donne – A Gathering For Grieving Women with Kay Warren & Stacie Wood – An in-person event.

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the “Belle Donne” – the beautiful women in our lives. However, it can also leave women who have experienced grief and loss around Mother’s Day feeling less than beautiful. 

Loss of a child, miscarriage, abortion, infertility, placing a child for adoption, loss of a mother or grandmother, or estranged relationships can create a complicated holiday for many women. If you need comfort and a sacred space to honor your grief, Belle Donne: A Gathering for Grieving Women is for you.

Join us on Sunday, May 5 at Saddleback Church Lake Forest. This is an in-person event only and will not be streamed. 


In order to create the emotional space needed for this event, we ask that children not attend. Childcare will be available:

Please use this link to Register for childcare ages birth to age 11  https://www.jotform.com/build/240826413387156

Please Register below to attend Belle Donne.


April 11, 2024


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We organize fitness and wellness-inspired events to build a strong community and offer an outlet for physical release.

We are creating a network of mental health professionals and need-based financial assistance to support grieving families beyond our events. 

We offer opportunities for post-event connection through referrals to local faith-based support groups, which is what brought our co-founders together. 

We provide 
healing experience.

We provide

healing experience.




a transformative

a holistic

an empowering