Through mind, body, and soul inspired programs, we focus on helping individuals and families work through their pain and find their inner RESILIENCY and strength. Our focus is on providing H.O.P.E (Helping Others Process Emotions).

To provide support and healing opportunities to those navigating the uncharted waters of grief.

our mission is simple:

We provide 
healing experience.

We provide

healing experience.

Grief is not mean to be carried alone. We understand the healing power of community and the importance of creating safe spaces where people can connect, share, and support one another.


We invite our community to come as they are and care for their soul wherever it is. 


During our Box & Breathe Wellness Events, certified boxing coaches guide participants through physical training that serves as both a therapeutic outlet and a means of fostering emotional strength. 


We believe building resilience starts with the mind. We provide grief education workshops and mental wellness tools that help participants understand the non-linear nature of grief and develop self-care practices.


a transformative

a holistic

an empowering

where EVERY grieving individual has access to the support and resources they need to heal

that recognizes and values the experience of grief

we're working towards a world:

that provides a compassionate space to process emotions and find Hope and purpose after loss

OUR team

read michelle's story >

Director of Development 

read angel's story >

Director of Communications

read ashley's story >

Co-Founder & Director of Training

read terra's story >

President & Co-Founder

our extended team 

Ashley Adelizi, Chairman
Retail Operations
Program Management  

Terra Pickett, President
Gloves For Grief

Angel Frank, Secretary

Gopi Nadella, Member
Maritime Law Advisor

**New member, bio coming soon!

Michelle Montgomery, Member
Grief Educator, I.A.C. Certified
Aromatherapist, Member of NAHA

Marie Brandon, Member
BSN, RN Neonatal ICU 
Hospital Ambassador, One Legacy 

Aracely Perez, Member

Danielle DesRosier, Member
Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee
Grief Educator

Katie Jones, Member
Record Specialist, Police Department

Karen Hacker, Member
Author & Co-Founder of Empty Arms
& 8:28 Hope In the Darkness 

Luis Erazo, Member 
Founder, Learn with Luis
Life Insurance Expert
**New member, bio coming soon!

Cheryl Baker, Advisor
Founder, Celebrate Recovery &
Grief’s Healing Choices

Vicki Wintrode, Advisor
Financial Consultant & 
Executive Director

support our fight

We envision a dedicated facility and grief wellness center designed to provide a safe, nurturing environment for those navigating loss. Our future center will serve as a hub for healing, offering a wide range of grief support services, wellness programs, and community events.

This flagship center will represent a major milestone in our mission to provide accessible, compassionate care to all who seek it.

We have big plans, and they don't include slowing down.

Gloves for Grief was so much more than we expected it to be. It honestly felt more like a homecoming than an event to us because it was so welcoming, so raw and emotional, and so spiritually healing all at the same time.

because we're stronger together.

Ways to Join Our Mission

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Help our community grow stronger.

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